In a world that is constantly on the move and buying for our attention, finding time for God can be challenging if we don’t prioritize keeping Him first. I have also encountered the same struggles in managing work, family, and home responsibilities while attempting to keep God first.
However, I decided to do what Jesus did. Jesus was as busy as anyone else, with more likely pressure and social demands than we imagined. He was busy teaching, preaching, healing the sick, delivering those possessed with evil spirits, and helping those around Him. The Bible often talked about Jesus slipping away from the crowd to have quiet time with His Father in heaven. He knew that staying connected to the Father and keeping Him first would offer Him the peace, inner strength, and stamina to accomplish all He asked.
So how could He do this when bombarded with many requests and needs? The Bible says, in Mark 1:35, “very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up and went out and left to a solitary place to pray.” Not only Jesus, but Abraham, David, Moses, Joshua, Gideon, Samuel, Hezekiah, and the apostles, among many, also rose early to pray to their Heavenly Father because they understood the importance of doing so.
Praying early in the morning prevents you from getting distracted and disturbed by others. It allows you to set apart time to worship God, enjoy his presence, and bring your prayer request before Him. This time also gives you the uninterrupted ability to share your heart, get His daily direction and receive the strength you need from Him for the day. Matthew 6:33 says, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness [His way of doing, and being right] and all these things shall be added to you.” When you prioritize God and seek His kingdom above all else, He will supply all your needs. He will help you at work with your finances, family, and community needs. There is nothing He cannot do, and He will make way for you if you keep Him first place in your life.