Loving Others As You Love Yourself

Loving others that are different from you can be a very hard concept to understand and accept, but nothing that cannot be overcome.

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By Julie Thomas

Loving others who are different from yourself can be challenging to understand and accept; however, it can be overcome. It all starts with changing your perspective, having a humble heart, and a willingness to learn from those different from you. 

I have come across people who were not accustomed or apt to accept nor love those different from them. In other words, If they could not relate, they chose not to associate. Yet the Bible says, “we are to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.” (Mark 12:31). Not just to love those who believe in Jesus, but to love those who may know nothing about Him. Our love and kindness and the ability to see past our religious and cultural differences toward others will help us better witness Christ’s love. John 13:34 says, “A new command I give you: Love one another as I have loved you. By this, everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another.”

I heard a story of a Caucasian woman from California who chose to walk away from her comfortable lifestyle to minister to the poor in Africa because of God’s call on her life. Naturally, people began to keep their distance due to the apparent differences in their culture and skin color. However, she began to develop a relationship with the people of that country. She talked to them with translators, tried their dishes, laughed, danced, and assimilated as best she could. The African people did not know of her God but were willing to listen to her because she first showed them God’s love through her own life and actions.

When we show love to others, whether from China, India, Africa, Guyana, Puerto Rico, or Russia, God can use us to meet those who are hurting and in need. You and I may be the only light some may see in their lifetime. So let the love of God within you be the bright light that will lead others to the one who is the way, the truth, and the life. Together we can make a difference that will impact the world!

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