One way to have an incredible marriage is to be a giver, not a taker. Growing up, I saw women giving and serving all around me, but it also came with a price. It often came with nagging, yelling, complaining, and many more adverse things you would not want to be around. However, as I got older, I remember hearing a wonderful man of God say, “take five minutes in the morning and think about how you can “give” to your spouse.” Perhaps, it starts with making them a cup of coffee or paying your spouse a compliment or something to make them feel special or loved.
I know sometimes this can be difficult, but with God’s help, it is possible. Naturally, as women, we find ten reasons why we don’t have time, whether we are too busy or plain out mad at our spouses. However, if you want a good marriage, someone has to take the first step, and since you are the one reading this blog, it should be you! You may not be happy to hear that, but it takes a person of courage, strength, and maturity to take the first step in wanting to make their marriage better. Find out what means the most to your spouse. Does your spouse respond to words of affirmation that lift or encourage them? Do they respond to physical touch or acts of service (helping them around the house? Or does your spouse appreciate spending quality time with you or receiving gifts? No matter what speaks love to your spouse, meeting them in that area is essential so your marriage can grow stronger with each passing day.
If you are unaware of this book, I encourage you to check Gary Chapmans’ “The Five Love Languages; How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate.” This book outlines five general ways couples express and experience love, which Chapman calls “love languages.” This is a great book that you can use to work through what matters most to your spouse. When you take the time to think less of yourself and a bit more about your spouse, you will find that your spouse’s attitude will change, and their love for you will only grow stronger.
The Bible says, “Humble yourself in the presence of the Lord, and in due time He will exalt you. (1 Peter 5:6). Ephesians 4:2 says, “Always be humble and gentle. Be patient, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.” Be determined to have a marriage filled with hope, life, love, and laughter. Ask God what you should do and let him guide you into all truth. His guidance for your life will only lead you to victory, which is His perfect will for you.